WAZA Animal Welfare Strategy 2015
WAZA is the voice of a global community of zoos and aquariums and a catalyst for their joint conservation action.

The CBSG Working Group Design Timeline
With the effort to understand the conservation needs of zoos, we started collaborating with the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group...

Maximizing the Potential of Large Natural Exhibits
Large natural exhibits are good for animal health but if animals are absent visitors can be disappointed. Through good design and animal...
The City: a Zoo of Humans
My studio apartment in downtown Seattle is on the fourth floor of an old building crowned with gothic architecture. I live right at tree...

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Zoo Animals
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS We overlay Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid with a tree to express the aspiration of the World Zoo and...

Zoo Design Education
For the past 12 years, zoo design has been my profession and passion. In 2012 I founded Zoo Design, Inc. a collaboration of designers and...

AZA Annual Conference 2014
Julia is headed off to the EAZA Annual Conference 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. She will be presenting this poster, which she adapted from...