Planning Places
for Animals and People
Master Planning
A Master Plan is the most important document to reflect your vision for short and long term development of your institution. A good master plan will guide the successful realization and is the first step to ensuring optimal conditions for animals in residence and guest satisfaction for the future.
Being exclusive to zoological clients, we have a range of experience of planning for tourism and guest satisfaction, and working in historical environments, as well as detailed understanding of the implementation process of your big ideas through design and construction to facilities assessment and visitors’ occupancy and experience studies.
Whether you are designing a completely new zoo, wildlife park, or an aquarium, or revitalizing an older or even historic institution, Zoo Design Inc will work with you through this complex task.
Our master planning experience includes master plan update for Zoo Bratislava, Boreal Discovery Centre in Thompson, Manitoba, and Calgary Zoo; additional experience with other companies includes: Al Ain Zoo, Hang-Zhou, Buffalo Zoo, and Tourism Implementation Plan for Sitka, Alaska, as well as a Long Range Plan for Ecotourism Development for Daraina region of Northern Madagascar (with Conservation International).
Other Master Planning Experience
Julia Hanuliakova
Buffalo Zoo, New York, Master Plan redesign, Exhibit Designer with PJA Architects
Al Ain Wildlife Park and Resort, Al Ain Zoo and Aquarium Public Institution, Al Ain, UAE, World Deserts Master Plan, Concept and Schematic Design, Habitat Designer with Jones and Jones
Sitka, Alaska, Tourism Implementation Plan, City of Sitka, Planning and Architectural Designer with Jones and Jones
Indianapolis Zoo, Indiana, Africa Master Plan, with PJA Architects
Ecotourism Advisor, Daraina, Madagascar, with Conservation International
Ben Tomlinson
Dallas Zoo, Texas, Wilds of Africa Precinct Master Plan, lead architect with PJA Architects
The Jackson Zoo, Mississippi, Elephant Expansion Master Plan, lead architect with PJA Architects